The following words are from the Augusta Chronicle Editorial Staff.
"Many of our best qualities are most in evidence in childhood.
We’re excited and excitable, curious, adventurous, unconditionally loving, quick to forgive, oblivious to subtle slights, unafraid to the point of recklessness – basically in love with life.
When life is so stretched out before such an exuberant, wide-eyed and open-hearted child, nothing could knife through the soul quite like seeing that thing of such beauty and limitless promise cut down at an assassin’s hand.
The horrible mass shooting Friday in Newtown, Conn., ranks right up there with the most tragic news events in most of our lifetimes: so many people slaughtered, so many of them children. The term “innocent victims” doesn’t begin to describe the incongruity. No one deserves such a fate, but certainly our young tucked away in elementary schools are sacrosanct. Or should be.
We throw around the term “crimes against humanity.” This is. This attack defies any notion of humanity or decency.
Within moments of the attack, people across the nation were mourning openly in social media, and for good reason. It really could’ve been any of us, any of our children. We can only begin to consider the searing pain of their parents and loved ones. We can only imagine the roiling panic and torment in the hearts of parents wondering if their children were among the dead.
Love on your children a little extra today. And pray for those touched by this inexpressible horror.
God help us."
• Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/06, female (age 6)In this time of mourning we can seek comfort from our Messiah who tells us:
• Daniel Barden, 9/25/05, male (age 7)
• Olivia Engel, 7/18/06, female (age 6)
• Josephine Gay, 12/11/05, female (age 7)
• Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 04/04/06, female (age 6)
• Dylan Hockley, 03/08/06, male (age 6)
• Madeleine F. Hsu, 07/10/06, female (age 6)
• Catherine V. Hubbard, 06/08/06, female (age 6)
• Chase Kowalski, 10/31/05, male (age 7)
• Jesse Lewis, 06/30/06, male (age 6)
• James Mattioli, 03/22/06, male (age 6)
• Grace McDonnell, 11/04/05, female (age 7)
• Emilie Parker, 05/12/06, female (age 6)
• Jack Pinto, 05/06/06, male (age 6)
• Noah Pozner, 11/20/06, male (age 6)
• Caroline Previdi, 09/07/06, female (age 6)
• Jessica Rekos, 05/10/06, female (age 6)
• Avielle Richman, 10/17/06, female (age 6)
• Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/06, male (age 6)
• Allison N. Wyatt, 07/03/06, female (age 6)
• Rachel Davino, 7/17/83, female (age 29)
• Dawn Hochsprung, 06/28/65, female (age 47)
• Anne Marie Murphy, 07/25/60, female (age 52)
• Lauren Russeau, 1982, female (age 29)
• Mary Sherlach, 02/11/56, female (age 56)
• Victoria Soto, 11/04/85, female (age 27)
Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:1-4And we must never give up. Never stop praying. Every word is true and these children will be brought back by our Creator.
In mourning, it's time for you to repent and return to God's voice, return to hear and do His word and walk in the faith of His Kingdom path so that you can ready your lamp. God is a sovereign God. He is a loving God and He has provided a way to offer His salvation and eternal life to you and those that you know. You can accept His gift of eternal life.
God is pleading with you, if you do not know him turn back to the Lord and let's pray and invite Him back into our lives, into our homes, our communities and our schools before it was too late. As God's marvelous light is driven out of our nation, darkness and grave evil is moving in. There is only one way to stop it. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the only way. Joel 2 tells us that God is calling you:
"Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning... Spare Your people, O Lord, and do not make Your inheritance a reproach, a byword among the nations. Why should they among the peoples say, ‘Where is their God?"There will not be another posting at this website for at least 30 days in honor of these children and their teachers.
What does this all mean?
It's time for you to repent and return to God's voice, return to hear and do His word and walk in the faith of His Kingdom path so that you can ready your lamp for your coming assignment.
It means we need to know "Who is the One Called Jesus.
Consider a prayer: Please, God guide me by your Spirit as to what I should hear and do.
It's time to repent and return to God's voice, return to hear and do His words and walk in the faith of His Kingdom path so that you can ready your lamp for your assignment.
Stretch out your hand, and take from the tree of life, and live forever.
Open a Bible, read it, listen to God's voice and do Yeshua's teaching about the forever jots and tittles.
You can learn how the things which are written in the Torah, the Prophets, and the Psalms are concerning Messiah and you can teach others to live life like Jesus, it's love in God's way:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:16-17
Today is the time, open your eyes if you're dead in your own valley of dry bones.
Look up and you'll recognize Messiah from Abraham's promise passed on to Isaac and Jacob as written by Moses in the Torah. You can see Him too in the Prophets and the Writings.
Repent and walk your Emmaus Road with Messiah. Study the Scriptures He taught every Sabbath that are filled with doing life God's way in the Kingdom, and tell others about Him. Be a gatekeeper until the house is complete.