My Scripture Studies
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God's Timepiece and a Map

Monday, May 10, 2010

If you are interested you can look at an unusual graphical view "God's Timepiece" the one He designed to help us keep track of His set apart, holy appointments with humankind.

In my Scripture studies, I've found God's Biblical appointment calendar uses the repeating cadence, alignment, and syncing of solar and lunar positions to reveal the meaning behind Genesis 1:14. 

This is because the moon, like all solar system objects moves in orbit around the Earth but as it does it also orbits the Sun with our blue planet. In that way, the Moon has its own motion in the sky in addition to that caused by the Earth's rotation as The LORD God reveals his calendar appointments in Leviticus 23-25 as appointed days, months and years. 

Inove's Solar System Scope provides a unique way to view our solar system's planetary alignments at any one time. 

The unique computer model allows you to view the alignment of God's timepiece from many angles, dimensions and reference points at virtually any point in time by simply using your computer or phone. You need to see, our Creator God does not base His Biblical appointment calendar on man's interpretation which is relegated to a solar calendar alone as established by Roman Pope Gregory, but rather on creation's perfectly timed mathematical movement and ordinance of Y-H-V-H's creation timepiece. 

Try it out to view the 3-D mechanics and alignments that show the signs, times and seasons of our solar system on any of God's appointed Feast Days. Important Note: the tools are not a development of My Scripture Studies and any content is solely provided by Copyright of its developers Sunaeon, SRO and the Space Telescope Science Institute. 

There's another view from that is spectacular and well worth a look. 

LiveSky allows you to pick any object in our solar system including comets and map back to anytime you choose for our solar system.

The solar system's mathematical perfection clearly demonstrates the nature and set apart (holy) perfection of our Creator. Genesis 1:14-15 gives us the reason for the design and orbit timing of our solar system which is linked perfectly to our location in it:

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
In the beginning, God declares that the reason he created the sun, moon, stars and planets. The first reason is to provide a timepiece for the world to know His "seasons". This Hebrew word is "moedim" מוֹעֵד and it actually means "appointed time and place". Our Creator fixed the earth's location with complex movements: axis rotation and solar orbit give light to the earth by day and by night we can see the moon's orbit and time phase.

The moon is fixed on three unwavering timepiece movements: axis rotation, earth and solar orbit to give waxing and waning light (phases) to the earth by night. In fact, the axis rotation of the moon is absolutely matched with it's orbit around the circumference of the earth. That is why the face of the moon, like our Creator never varies. On any given day during the lunar cycle, the moon that you see in the sky today looks as it did to Christopher Columbus or the builders of the pyramids.

Within the earth's "rotation" on its axis, YHVH synchronized the earth with the moon's "orbit" so that we coould have an exact and precise astronomical timepiece on His calendar with the moon serving like the hand on a clock so that everyone could know when each appointed days of The LORD's festivals will arrive because the Biblical calendar uses both the sun and moon to show us the time. All we have to do is look up.

Let's look at that verse again from another angle:
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs ['owth אוֹת] and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. Genesis 1:14

'Lights to divide the day for signs'.

Interesting perspective. Seems there is more there in Genesis than the stars, the moon or a sunset.

For example, the Hebrew word 'owth אוֹת is amazing. It's made of the letters 'aleph', 'vav' and 'tav'. Aleph means strength, vav means nail or stake and tav mean covenant and looks like a cross.

Aleph can also mean truth. The Hebrew word 'alluwph comes from aleph, it means master, or intimate leader and friend. The olde English Kings James calls it 'Duke' in Genesis 36.

So, when we dig into the pictograph meaning of the Hebrew letters of the word 'owth אוֹת we can see this message:

'The master's true strength was nailed to the covenant cross'.

It's hidden there in plain sight in the Hebrew letters of Genesis 1. Reminds me of Jesus teaching Nicodemus about the sign of Moses that we sometimes don't tie together with John 3:16.
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal LIFE. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:14-16
Take note too, Jesus then went on to talk about light.

The link below may not work well on a touch screen or phone, but on a PC you can zoom in on the center of the diamond pattern. The map represents a snapshot of the path of four full solar eclipses that are visible above the Temple Mount over a 35 year time span from 1999 up to 2034. The geography amazingly highlights a four winds outline of the Genesis 15:18-21 land deed revealed to Abraham.

The eclipse dates with the Temple Mount in the center are:

1) 8/11/1999
2) 3/29/2006 (2422 days after #1 or 346 weeks later)
3) 8/2/2027
4) 3/20/2034 (2422 days after #3 or 346 weeks later)

Two of the eclipses has gone by.

The first path of totality passed by in 1999, drawing a line to the east of today's tiny plot of land called Israel. Perhaps, coincidentally (or not), in the land where King Hussein of Jordan died and was succeeded by his son as Abdullah II in 1999. In case you didn't know it, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan claims custodian rule over the Temple Mount. The Hashemites are descendants of Muhammad, the royal family ruled over Mecca for 700 years until they were tossed out by the House of Saud in 1924 and headed north. In 1951, they claimed to annex Judea and Samaria, calling it their West Bank until things changes during the 1967 Six-Day War.

Seven years later in 2006, the next eclipse path was to the west up and through Turkey where Noah's ark landed on Mount Ararat. Next to Israel by the seacoast sits Gaza. There, led by the terrorists of Hamas, Gaza sits on the the Mediterranean as a den of thieves. There, the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas won the majority of seats in the January 26th elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council. Their oppressive rule occurred three weeks after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke on January 4th which left him in a coma just 90 days after the Gaza disengagement he led was completed in September 2005. Ever since rockets

The 2027, the next eclipse path passes down south through Egypt, the home of the Pharaoh.

The fourth and final eclipse appears seven years later. The 2034 path crisscrosses the 2027 eclipse path on March 20th, the first day of Nisan as it heads west to east through Egypt through Saudi Arabia 14 days before Passover that year.

Believe it or not, the path of totality will cross the Red Sea (Yom Suf) directly below the exact route that is now thought by many to be the historic path taken by Israel 3,500 years earlier through the Gulf of Aqaba. The eclipse path tracks just under Egypt's Nuweiba Beach and the underwater land bridge beneath the waters of the Gulf of Aqaba headed towrd Jabal al-Lawz (aka Mountain of Almonds), the real Mount Sinai in the Tabuk Province of Saudi Arabia.

Scientific research and coral evidence of sunken "Egyptian Chariots" now point to the Gulf of Aqaba as the most probable location of the actual Red Sea crossing as detailed in the none other than the Book of Exodus.

The 2034 eclipse path is not directly over the Exodus route to Mount Sinai. It will be further south and cross the Red Sea and Saudi Arabia just above Medina where Islam was born.

There may be more to look at, maybe not... but the eclipse time windows show an interesting time frame from the date of the 8/11/1999 eclipse to the 3/20/2034 eclipse = it's 12,640 days. That sum equates to 35 Biblical (360 day) years.

It reminds me of Luke 3:23. Here's why, history tells us that Herod died in 4 BC, so it is thought that Yeshua was born in Bethlehem between 6BC-4BC and that the Passover crucifixion and resurrection occurred c. 30-32AD. Looks like that 35 fits right in that timeline nearly 2,000 years ago.

This may be a bit quirky to say the least, but there's another unique thing when we look at the 12,640 days and weeks of the 35 year four corner eclipse series: 1+2+6+4+0 = 13 and the 346 weeks: 3+4+6 = 13.

What's up with thirteen? There are 13 families noted in the Numbers 1:20-47 census of Israel, but Levi was not counted. Jacob had 12 sons but Joseph wasn't counted. The reason is Joseph had two boys, Ephraim and Manasseh in Egypt. Then at the end of his days, Jacob said that instead of Joseph, his two sons will be counted among the 12 tribes of Israel to inherit the land.

Joseph was only given a ridge from the Amorites (Exodus 48:22) and Levi was not given any land inheritance or counted because they were a nation of priests. So, there are 13 tribes, but only 12 names numbered in the census Moses took:
1. Reuben 46,500
2. Simeon 59,300
3. Gad 45,650
4. Judah 74,600
5. Issachar 54,400
6. Zebulun 57,400
7. Ephraim 40,500
8. Manasseh 32,200
9. Benjamin 35,400
10. Dan 62,700
11. Asher 41,500
12. Naphtali 53,400
The total census of the 12 families was 603,550.

Well it just so happens, the number of people at the last supper was 13 too... the 12 disciples and Yeshua representing the High Priesthood in the Order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20).

None of that may mean a thing, but the thing to remember is this, the new moon eclipse path dates were all set into motion in God's design when He spoke creation. That's includes Genesis 1:14.

The eclipse paths were set in time and space when The LORD spoke to Abraham and told him to look up at the stars. Just take another look at the eclipse pattern. It zeroes in on the royal land grant big picture gifted to Abraham's descendants as an inheritance:
On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates: the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.” Genesis 15:18-21
Numbers 34:1-15 draws another map during Joshua's day, but Genesis is the prophetic picture in the end.

It's amazing that the eclipse map below shows the land area promised to Abraham by our Creator. 

The eclipse path map was queried from an amazing graphic eclipse tool from Xavier M. Jubier (eEclipser ©2006-2016 Xavier M. Jubier) using the vortex of the Temple Mount's coordinates at Latitude: 31.77804 Longitude: 35.23542.

NASA's animations of the four eclipse paths of 1999, 2006, 2027 and 2034 are shown below...

YHVH established His appointments by the design and mechanism of the solar system at the time of creation. Solar eclipses can only occur at a new moon by the way, and the Bible contains a simple instruction for every new moon, blow a trumpet. You can read about that in Psalms 81:3-5. That Psalm repeats Numbers 10:10. The Biblical Feast day calendar starts with a new moon. You can read about that starting in Exodus 12:1-3, then in Isaiah 66:22-23 and Ezekiel 46:1-3. The new moon calendar determines The LORD's counting for the appointed times for His Feasts when The LORD does and will do mighty things for mankind along the timeline of His seven part plan of redemption and restoration outlined in Leviticus 23. It started with Passover. 

These are the set apart appointed days known today as: 1) Pesach, 2) Unleavened Bread, 3) First Fruits 4) Shavuot, 5) Yom Teruah, 6) Yom Kippurim and 7) Sukkot. 

They take us through the seasons of Spring, Summer and Fall and show us God's complete seven point plan of salvation and restoration. That is why they are so important and why God says they are forever. Forever is FOREVER! They show us God established His plan of redemption at the time of creation. God's solar system is the basis for His Biblical Feast Day calendar in which God pre-determined his appointed times for his Sabbath Feasts when He instructs his people to meet with him each year. God created all the moving parts if His clock, even the rotation of the earth governs the time of counting each day. It is the spin that we all live and sleep by. 

Both the solar year (earth's orbit around the sun), the lunar month (the moon's orbit around the earth) and the day (earth's rotation on its axis) are set by YHVH. The Biblical month's all begin with the darkness of the new moon and God's Feast Days with the exception of Trumpets Day all fall later on specific days of each Biblical month. 

There are even three Feast Days in which we are instructed to appear before God in Jerusalem. The "Big Three" are: 1) Pesach, (Passover) 2) Shavuot (Harvest) and 3) Sukkot (In-gathering). Both Matstsah (Unleavened Bread) and the First Fruits harvest are a part of the Spring Feasts. Trumpets Day (Yom Teruah), Atonement Day (Yom Kippur) and Tabernacles (Sukkot) are the "unfulfilled" Fall Feast Days of YHVH. You can use the "Solar System Scope" or "thelivesky' to look at the planets as they align during any Feast Days. 

Below is a calendar for the next five years.

Feast 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Passover 29-Mar 18-Apr 6-Apr 25-Mar 14-Apr 3-Apr
Days of Unleavened
Mar 30 - Apr 5 Apr 19-25 Apr 7-13 Mar 26 - Apr 1 Apr 15-21 Apr 4-10
Pentecost 23-May 12-Jun 27-May 19-May 8-Jun 24-May
Feast of
9-Sep 29-Sep 17-Sep 5-Sep 25-Sep 14-Sep
Day of
18-Sep 8-Oct 26-Sep 14-Sep 4-Oct 23-Sep
Tabernacles Sep 23-29 Oct 13-19 Oct 1-7 Sep 19-25 Oct 9-15 Sep 28-Oct 4
Last Great Day 30-Sep 20-Oct 8-Oct 26-Sep 16-Oct 5-Oct

For more on the amazing event of God's Feast Days you may want to check out these commentaries: The Feasts of The Lord or this one: Do as The Disciples Did - Count the Omer!

Update December 23, 2016: The Apostle John provides a vision in Revelation regarding God's timepiece:
And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.  She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. Revelation 12:1-2